Friday, April 5, 2013

Master Shot Edit

The editing for the master shot was a good experience. When we were editing we could easily see where to cut, shot/reverse shot, and the master shot. The harder parts dealt with sound and yet was also easier in a way. Because of the use of hospital masks, we could actually put the best take of dialogue recorded for the speaking parts and primarily use those instead. The brushing sounds reverberated in the bathroom we were in, so it was louder than most sounds and we didn't want it sound like the two criminals were actually yelling to get there voices. We also wanted to make the brushing rhythmic and making sure to match the brush strokes we filmed in the shots. We figured that we could soften the level of the brushing to make the conversation more apparent. Also deciding what b-rolls to use for some of the shots was a little difficult to do as we had to figure out when to put it and to not just have the camera on Bran and Park.

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